south manchester centre for psychotherapy

Transactional    Analysis. smcplogo3

Transactional Analysis

Transactional analysis is a theory of personality and interpersonal communication used to facilitate change and growth, promoting well-being and health for ourselves, working with individuals, couples, groups, organisations and in an educational setting.

The United Kingdom Association of Transactional Analysis (UKATA) is a member organization of the Humanistic and Integrative College (HIPC) of The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy - UKCP and is the largest member organization of this section.

The philosophy of our approach is rooted in the beliefs:

  • Everyone is OK
  • We can all think
  • We all have the ability to decide what is right for us.

    Based upon these beliefs TA therapists are committed to the promotion of autonomy, openness of communication and contractual relating.

Transactional Analysis is a theory of communication and provides many effective models to help us understand the nature of human transactions in particular and human relating generally.

When communication between people is no longer effective, has escalated or has broken down completely Transactional Analysis can genuinely help in a non gimmicky way.

The theory of transactions can be delivered as a Training package tailored to individually meet the needs of both organisations and individuals. This will combine theory, skills training and psychotherapeutic techniques.

TA can be used very effectively to help individuals, couples or groups of people re build communication channels where dialogue is failing or has failed.

Couple therapy
Family therapy
Boards / Directors of Companies
Mediation between people / groups
Negotiating Skills
Leadership skills
Anger management
Behavioural management

Find out more about Transactional Analysis

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