south manchester centre for psychotherapy

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. smcplogo3

Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy Training

The smcp Training Programme  will close in December 2025. 

Applications are now being accepted for entry into the one year (part time - 15 weekend days) programme starting September 2024.  This will be for one academic year and will act as a one year stand alone training in Transactional Analysis.  A Certificate of attendance will be awarded in July 2025. 

If required this training can be used as Accredited Prior Learning (APL) for entry into further psychotherapy training beyond July 2025 at a different provider.

Entry into the smcp programme in September 2024 willl also take account of any prior learning via the Accredited Prior Learning (APL) process and, so long as all criteria are met, it will be possible to achieve either the Certificate or Diploma award. 

Contact Carol Lucas directly with any questions - personal response within 24 hours

All training, once all the criteria have been met, can lead to registered and / or qualified membership with:

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

The United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis

smcp is an organisational member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP)

smcp is also a United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA) Registered Training Establishment

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. smcplogo3

Please click on the link for the following:

Who is the psychotherapy training programme for?

What's on offer?

Entry Criteria

Certificate and Diploma awards


Replacement Certificate / Record of training hours

How to Apply

Application Form & Dates

Payments via paypal

smcp Trainers 2022-24

If you decide to contact smcp please note:

All contact buttons on this website link to Carol Lucas. Please email rather than telephone.

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. smcplogo3

Who is the psychotherapy training programme for?

Transactional Analysis (TA) is a theory of personality and interpersonal behaviour, and a method of psychotherapy. It gives us a way of understanding ourselves and our relationships.

TA is the primary modality but several other modalities are also included in the 4 year syllabus.

You only sign up for one year at a time and you do not commit to attending more than one year - although if you want to you can attend for the whole four years and anything in between.

If you are seeking professional membership with BACP and or UKATA you can achieve this by meeting all the criteria throughout the 3 or 4 year part-time training - meeting the criteria, for either award, can take longer if you want but there is a 2 year time limit beyond the formal programme.

You may want to consider training if you are:

Interested in Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy, Counselling, personal development, professional development, or improving your communication skills and relationships both professionally and personally.

OR - would like to enhance your understanding and skills in working with people

OR - are practising as a counsellor and want to develop your effectiveness with a wider range of clients and problems

OR - are somebody who would like to explore a new career as a psychotherapist or counsellor

OR - would like to personally develop your understanding of yourself with like minded people


  Psychotherapy Training Courses. smcplogo3

What's on offer?

smcp offers:

Two day Introductory courses: Understanding Human Personality (sometimes called the official '101' course).

The core model at smcp is Transactional Analysis.

Adult learners entering the main training programme at smcp do not do so with the same experience:

some have read a lot and some haven't
some have attended their own psychotherapy or counselling and some haven't
some have worked in professions that are related to the delivery of counselling or psychotherapy and some haven't
and some people have done none of these

smcp provides an approach and structure that recognises individual experience and each person's uniqueness. 98% of students, in their end of year feedback, rate the training structure as excellent and this has been the case for every training year since 2008.

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. Entry Criteria Feb 2019

Entry Criteria

Training in Psychotherapeutic Counselling is intellectually demanding and involves self exploration and personal growth - applicants will need to have the personal resources and qualities to meet the challenges of the programme.

Trainers for 2022-24 are:

Carol Lucas TSTA
Dr Mark Widdowson TSTA
Samantha Kynaston BACP accredited
Laura Muldoon CTA
Ian Tomlinson PTSTA

Assignments blind marked by John Monk-Steel TSTA

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. PSA Logo July 2016

Certificate and Diploma awards

On the 4 year programme all students train in the same group and remain in the same group for either three years of training for the Certificate award (in Therapeutic Counselling) or four years of training for the Diploma award (Psychotherapeutic Counselling) - full details below. As well as attending the training days, students will have to achieve other criteria on route to all the awards. The time frame in achieving the other criteria is up to the student but there are some limits (2 years beyond the 4 year programme).

Once registered on the smcp training programme you will be entitled to apply for BACP or UKATA student membership.

Once the smcp Certificate award is achieved (after a minimum of 3 years part-time study) students will be entitled to apply for individual membership with BACP.

You can then take the BACP online test (smcp students have had a 100% success rate so far) in order to achieve BACP registration.

Once you have achieved the smcp Diploma (minimum of 4 years part time study) you will be eligible to apply for fully accredited membership with BACP.

As well as the core delivery of theory and practice hours - awards contain a placement and supervised practice element (part of BACP criteria), your own personal therapy and on-going assessments. Students are responsible for finding their own placement and can begin when they have met the 'Fitness to Practise' criteria - most people achieve this about half way through their second year but it is up to the individual student.

Certificate Award in Therapeutic Counselling: will lead to BACP registered membership on successful completion of an online BACP proficiency test.

Summary of criteria

Completion of an introductory two day course - Two day Introduction to TA - the official '101' course

Training hours (delivered on the smcp programme)

Supervised placement

Personal psychotherapy / counselling hours


Student membership of BACP throughout the period of training - about £90 per year.

Diploma Award in Psychotherapeutic Counselling: Will lead to BACP fully qualified membership on successful completion of all BACP criteria and an online BACP test.

Summary of criteria

Completion of an introductory two day course

Training hours (delivered on the smcp programme)

Supervised Placement


Personal psychotherapy / counselling hours


Student membership of BACP throughout the period of training - about £90 per year


The programme is structured as three modules over three years (Certificate) or four modules over four years (Diploma). Students remain in the same training group throughout but you only sign up for a year at a time.


Main programme: 15 weekend days per year (Saturdays / Sundays) 9.30 pm to 5.30 pm each day. Days will be delivered face to face at smcp and live online in line with professional criteria.

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. How to Appy Programme Jan 2017

How to Apply

For details please download the document.

The application process for entry in to the main training programme is the same for the Certificate and Diploma Award.

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. Application form new 15.2.2017

Application Form

The smcp training programme is accepting new applicants for one year only as from from September 2024.  A Certificate of attendance will be awarded upon completion. 

Dates 2024 - 25

  1.   Saturday 05   October            2024            smcp
  2.   Sunday   13    October           2024            ONLINE
  3.   Saturday 09    November       2024            smcp
  4.   Sunday   10    November       2024            smcp                   
  5.   Saturday 07   December        2024            smcp
  6.   Saturday 11   January            2025            smcp
  7.   Sunday   12   January            2025            ONLINE
  8.   Saturday 01   February          2025            smcp
  9.   Saturday 01   March               2025            smcp
  10.   Sunday   02   March               2025            ONLINE
  11.   Saturday 26   April                 2025            smcp
  12.   Saturday 10   May                  2025            smcp
  13.   Sunday   11    May                  2025            ONLINE                                                

    14.   Saturday 07   June                 2025            ONLINE                                                                                                   **        Saturday  21  June                   2025            **Contingency date (please keep available)

   15.    Saturday 28  June                  2025            Evaluation Day   smcp

Costs - payment in full by 1.9.24 or 

Year 3 **£2,390 - payable as a deposit of £300 and 11 x £190 - 1.8.24 – 1.6.25

Year 4 **£2,390 - payable as a deposit of £300 and 11 x £190 - 1.8.23 – 1.6.25

Organizations: *£2,490 – for full or part funded places.  

Monthly payments are by Standing Order due on the first of the month from August 24 to June 25 inclusive.

Fees are subject to annual review.

Here are some realistic estimates as to how much other costs might be: supervision (required as and when you begin your placement, generally at the end of the second year of training) - this is roughly £60 - £75 per 3 hour group and attendance is once a month. Personal therapy is roughly £35 - £60 per hour and there are attendance requirements; group therapy / therapy marathons will be cheaper than this. BACP student membership - about £95 per year.

  Psychotherapy Training Courses. Certificate request form 2020

Replacement Certificate / Record of training hours or any other Document/s

If you require a replacement of anything previously issued to you, for example, Certificate / Record of training hours etc. please download the form, complete and return by post after making the appropriate payment via the PayPal drop-down menu below.

Payment by paypal

Payment Options












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