south manchester centre for psychotherapy


Carol Lucas. Carol Lucas 7.22

Carol Lucas

B.ED Hons (Cantab)
Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA) in psychotherapy 
Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA) in psychotherapy 

Fully qualified psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer with:

The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy

The United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis



Carol Lucas. ukcp logo 2 Feb 2015




I am the owner and Director of The south manchester centre for psychotherapy (smcp), based in Heaton Moor, South Manchester (established in 1991).

I also see private clients in Alderley Edge.

I was Chair of the Training Standards Committee for UKATA 2011 - March 2016

I have been a practising psychotherapist for the last 30 years and I work with individuals, couples and groups. I also work as a supervisor, supervising qualified and student counsellors / psychotherapists. There are eight monthly supervision groups running at smcp. I have also worked as an expert witness within the legal system.

Prior to becoming qualified as a psychotherapist I worked full-time as a music teacher, in the secondary and FE sector having completed my degree in Music.

Carol Lucas

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