south manchester centre for psychotherapy

Introductory Psychotherapy Courses. smcplogo3

Introductory 2 day Transactional Analysis Courses

Next Introductory (official '101') 2 day Course - To be announced (12 hours in all).

Next Online Introductory (official '101') 

This introductory course offers ways of thinking about our behaviour and the relationships we form with others.

If you would like a place you can book using the contact buttons.

Dates: To be announced 

Cost: £200 - by paypal or bacs. £100 Deposit on booking.

Access: The Link to the meeting (and simple instructions as to how to access the Zoom platform) will be sent to you the day before. You will need a PC (best option), Tablet or Mobile Phone.

'Our time online today was excellent and I learnt a lot as well as enjoying it. By the end of the day I forgot we were online. Thank you.' SN

Costs / How to Book and Pay your deposit for how to book & payment options

smcp is an organisational member of BACP and a United Kingdom Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA) Registered Training Establishment.

Next online course dates

Please click on the link or scroll down the page for the following information:

Feedback from previous participants

Information on the TA '101' - understanding human personality

What is involved

Overview of Course Content

Costs / How to Book and Pay your deposit

smcp Privacy Policy

Introductory Psychotherapy Courses. smcplogo3

Information on the introductory course

smcp runs two day introductory courses - these short 2 day courses are known as the official '101' course or Understanding Human Personality Course.

They introduce the theory and clinical skills used in TA Psychotherapy or Counselling and begin
to show how these can be applied to all human relationships as well as the psychotherapeutic encounter.

Attending a '101' course is a prerequisite for any further training in TA. Once you have attended a 101 course with a fully qualified
TA trainer then you do not need to repeat it anywhere else. Participants will receive a Certificate of attendance to show they
have completed the introductory course.

Introductory Psychotherapy Courses. smcplogo3

What is involved?

The 2 day official '101' smcp course (has, for now, moved online to the Zoom platform).

It is open access and introduces concepts that help us understand Human Personality, Psychotherapy, Counselling and
the theory and skills underpinning clinical application.

The 101 course is an opportunity to meet the Trainer, experience the learning environment and the style of training delivery.

The course provides an introduction to the key concepts of Psychotherapy theory and practical application using
Transactional Analysis as the primary model. It offers ways of thinking about human behaviour, personality and ways of
interacting with different personality styles and forms of communication.

The course will be delivered through a series of short teaching presentations, discussion and experiential exercises in small
groups (both online with other group members and some exercises you will do on your own at home during the day).

There will be opportunities to explore your own personality and relationships. It is fine to participate in a way that is right for
you and you can talk about your self and your experiences if you want and if you don't want to then that is fine too.

Introductory Psychotherapy Courses. 101 course outline Jan 2018

Overview of the Introductory Course Content

Introductory Psychotherapy Courses. smcplogo3

smcp is committed to high professional and ethical standards in the fields of psychotherapy, counselling, supervision and training.

We offer a very warm welcome to all and thank you for your interest in smcp.

Introductory Psychotherapy Courses. smcplogo6

How to book and pay

Cost: Total Cost - £200 (£210 for part / fully funded places)

Please email to check on place availability and/or to reserve a place with your name, address, contact details and the dates of the 101 course that you wish to apply for. There is no obligation in sending this form.

Place availability will be confirmed within 24 hours.

If you would like to accept the place please make the deposit payment of £100 (£210 for part / fully funded places - please request an invoice and include full invoicing details). The balance payment of £100 will be due 2 weeks before the course start date:

by BACS - details will be supplied to you on request.

by paypal - Click Here to access the paypal button

Your place will be confirmed on receipt of the deposit payment.


If your organisation is to fund your place (£210), either in part or in full, please provide all invoicing details.

Your place will be confirmed on receipt of the payment.

If you would like to speak with Carol Lucas to discuss the introductory course or other psychotherapy training options at smcp please feel free to contact Carol Lucas at smcp.

Some feedback from previous 101 courses:


''Carol was very eloquent, approachable and explained all concepts in excellent manner''

''Clear communicator, good at keeping things going but also lots of discussion - excellent delivery and fun.''

''Everyone was listened to and was made to feel welcome.''

''Sets a very relaxed and comfortable tone and environment. Very clear when explaining things''

''Carol got straight to the point and always welcomed questions - really interesting''

''Very easy to talk to / approach and made me feel at ease straight away. Plenty of opportunity for discussion. Clear teaching''

''Engaging delivery - the time passed so quickly and after the two days I wanted to come back for a third''

''Really nice way of meeting new people''


Introductory Psychotherapy Courses. smcplogo3

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